Tuesday, July 3, 2007


Good morning in Blogland. I have just been blessed today with the power over people. That's right. I have been given this at 8:45 am this morning. It was given to me and now I realize how weird this is. It is weird to have power especially when given to you. The power to make people show themselves to you at any moment you are around and tell their whole life and world to you and try to insult you in the process. Funny thing, I dont care about sed induhvidual(thank you Scott Adams) so the fact that they feel to need to make their presence and life known to me is extremely amazing. Peacocking to someone who doesn't care or value you. That my friends is a huge power. And I got blessed with it. I am not sure what do with it though but I guess its fun to have. At least for a lil while. I promise to use for good and not evil. HAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHHAA LMAO :D AS THE JOKER SAID" If you gotta go, Go with a smile"

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