Hello out in blog land. I'm not sure if anyone reads this but it helps for me to get some things off my chest.
Last week, I made a conscious decision to actually get rid of dead weight in my life. Now usually when I do that, I leave a trail of burned or slightly charred individuals in my path and I usually leave them for dead. Dead in the sense that they are dead in my world. And let's face it, we always end up focusing on ourselves because we have to deal with us in the morning and through out our lives. We as humans do not honestly have to deal with anyone else should we choose not to.
But what I have realized is some refuse to be let go. I'm not sure why this. Is it inherent in humans to always deal or have our presence felt by those that do not want to deal with us? Do we always wish to prove a point and show " you are missing out on something". Truth be told, I am not missing out on anything because of who I know, I will always know something. Whether I know it today or tomorrow or in the next life, things present themselves anyway.
Now I used to wonder why people let me go and I used to want to rub it in. Today, I honestly don't care. You got rid of me for reasons that make sense to you and I no longer feel the need to make myself known to you. That's life. people move on and I guess I learned, I might as well too. I also think my mindset is a Lil different. I have never craved attention. I was a quiet child and in adulthood, I am still quiet to an extent. I never was the type to make myself known. It kinda just happens and that's not being conceited. It is just something I have noticed. Also, genetically, I seemed to have been made to have attention brought on me. Being 6'1" and a natural red head speaks for itself.
So I have decided to get rid of the non-positives in my life. Yes I said non-positive cause I don't like the "N" word :)
I got rid of things that are physically, mentally and emotionally draining and gave up worrying about how people live their lives. Its their life so why should I care. yes sounds selfish but I'm being honest. If you serve no real purpose in my life, why should you be there?
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